Ultra Sensitive Salmonid Vitellogenin ELISA (TECO®)


Standards: Standard Stock, lyophilized, 2 vials

Controls: 2 Control levels, lyophilized, 2 vials each


Serum: Store fresh serum samples immediately after collection at -20°C or lower until assayed.

WBH: Store fresh WBH samples immediately after collection at -20°C or lower until assayed.

Collect mucus as described in the TECO® Mucus Collection Set (TE1034). Mucus-containing swabs can be stored several months at <-20°C

Cell culture: Store fresh samples immediately after collection at <-20°C until assayed.

Valeurs de référence

Serum levels are in the range of µg/mL up to mg/mL

WBH levels are in the range of mg/mL

Mucus level are in the range of ng/mL

Nom du produit Ultra Sensitive Salmonid Vitellogenin ELISA (TECO®)
Cat. no TE1049
Gamme 0.012-1.0 ng/mL
Sensibilité LLOQ 0.012 ng/ml
LLD 0.002 ng/ml
Durée d'incubation 4.0 hours
Volume échantillon 50 µL


Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Brown trout (Salmo trutta)

Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)

Pink salmon/humpback salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

"Common whitefish, European whitefish" (Coregonus lavaretus)

Maraena whitefish (Coregonus maraena)

Intérêt clinique

The Ultra Sensitive Salmonid Vitellogenin ELISA Kit is a sensitive sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the quantitative determination of vitellogenin in serum, WBH, mucus of salmonids and in samples obtained from cell culture.

Informations utiles