Anti C4d, FITC


Nom du produit Anti C4d, FITC
Cat. no BI-RC4D-FITC
Volume échantillon 100 μl




Tests 125
Méthode Flow Cytometry

Intérêt clinique

The antibody has been tested for the flow cytometric detection of cell- or solidphasebound C4 and C4d split product of alloantibody-triggered C4d deposition to FlowPRA® Class I and II Screening Test beads (One Lambda, Inc., Canoga Park, CA, USA). This assay ([C4d]FlowPRA) is applicable for the detection of complement-fixing anti-HLA alloantibodies. For [C4d]FlowPRA (see working protocol). A final dilution of 1:50 is recommended.

Intended use:

C4d is the degradation product of the activated complement factor C4, a component of the classical complement cascade, which is typically initiated by binding of antibodies to specific target molecules. Detection of C4d is regarded as an indirect sign, a “footprint” of an antibody response against the allograft. The majority of publications describe C4d as an important biomarker in kidney transplantation but also in heart, liver, and other transplants.

Intended applications:

  • Humoral transplant rejection

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